Monday, December 29, 2008

The End of the Year

Well we have two days until the New Year, and what are you going to do in the New Year.

Live the same way you have been living now, with all the pain and suffering that you have been going through. Living the life that seems always goes the wrong way. Going around in circles because you can't do anything else. Follow the people you have been following because it is so much easier to live their life instead of yours. Are you just going to sit there and let the people around you fall into darkness? Are you going to let the lives around you break? Become destroyed, and never be able to be built back? What are you going to do with your New Year?

Well its a almost that New Year, as stated before two days. Families are coming together during the season, and families are growing apart. People are throwing what they knew and loved out the window, and some are holding dear. Pain is running across lives and joy is comforting others. Even in the dark, there is someones else who is in the light. People are dieing, yet others are being born.

Why don't you bring some light into someones life so that their New Year will be filled with joy. Everyone needs joy once and a while, and with the New Year most people reflect on their lives in the past year. Let the end be happy instead of sad. Help people that you never thought you would help. Your just live someone a hug just because you want to, you never know what will happen.

Lastly, make a decree of what is to come in the New Year, and don't just sit there expecting it to just happen. If you say something is going to happen, then you have to start putting it in motion.

God is always with you, and He loves you. So why not so love back to God and others. Also, make sure that God is first in your life. Don't put things or people over God. Just show true love towards God.

"We know the love that God has for us, and we trust that love." 1 John 4:16


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Random Thoughts

Random things that pop-up in your mind. Set a control of what you let come out, and actually ponder about. We need not let certain thoughts come fully develop as those thoughts can cause corruption. Corruption is something that must be avoided at all costs. Putting a watch over your thoughts is something that you have to do in your everyday lives, or you might regret what you said to someone. Don't be one of those people, focus and pay attention before you say something, or just pay attention to what you think about. Your thoughts can end up controlling how you act. Let you thoughts be pure, then your actions will be pure, and your life will slowly turn to being pure.



Blocking: Is when you hold something that you did, which was wrong, inside you.
In turn you are blocking what you did form people around you.

Why do you keep blocking?
  • For the reason the you can't live with what would happen if you unblocked yourself?

  • If you did there would be pain, over any extent that you ever felt?

  • Because you don't want people to know what type of person you are?

  • Because you know that it "can" make the problem go away?

  • You don't want to be labeled by what you did?

  • To afraid to tell the truth about the situation?

  • Answer:
    Well by blocking yourself you create more pain for yourself. In turn, the pain will never go away. Blocking your problems will just lead to misfortune.

    Also if you block one problem then you start to block more, and more, and more. Then you are blocking about one hundred problem that could have been solved pretty easy.

    Another note is the all the blocked up problems will eventually burst out. The pain will overwhelm you into depression or into a darkness that you will never see the light from.

    To fix this Blocking, all you need to do is tell someone you trust.
    Not for the fact that you don't want anyone to know (because, the "friend" that you "trusted" will use that blocked problem against you).
    But someone that you know will help you get this blocked thing taken care of.

    Your life doesn't deserved to be filled with things that can be fixed easily.


    Its Time

    Its time, to take your sword and fight. To fight, not just whats in your life, but to help others fight whats in their lives as well.
    Its time, to do things you never thought possible. Things that you thought could never happen start to become something so natural. Your thoughts seem to be changed.
    Its time, to go and do something. Sitting around is no more, you have a calling, so why don't you do it?
    Its time, to focus on the right thing. No more distractions that your mind seems to wander on, going form one thing to another.
    Its time, to make your Father happy. He has done so much for you, so why don't you do something for Him?
    Its time, to go out and fight and not always let the fight come to you.
    Its time, to take a stand on your beliefs, and express those beliefs no matter what!!
    Its time, to shut fear out. Nothing can stop you with your Father next to you.
    Its time, to shed the light in the darkness, because no one wants to live in the dark.
    Its time, to show love to all people. Even the people who stabbed you in the face, or back stabbed you.
    Its time, to forgive. Because holding things in won't do any good.
    Its time, to change the world. But you have to do something.
    Its time,, to watch and listen to your Father to see what he wants to do, not what you want to do.
    Its time, are you ready?
    Its time...... so go do it!!! Your Father is right there.


    This your life

    This your life, so why do you live in the dark?
    This your life, so why do you focus on nothing?
    This your life, so why do you think the way you do?
    This your life, is there a point to it?
    This your life, have you done anything with it?
    This your life, why are you ruining it?
    This your life, is lieing the only way to go?
    This your life, and you are going the wrong way.
    This your life, are you going to do anything to change it?
    This your life, why do you live this Fake thing you call your life?
    This your life, how can you live with your actions?
    This your life, why do you focus on things other than Him?
    This your life, why do you bring things in between Him and you?
    This your life. So stop letting other control that which is yours.
    This your life, why don't you live like it is?
    This your life. Is it that hard to go to the light?
    This your life, and you aren't changing to the right thing.
    This your life, are you who you want to be?
