Sometimes it just seems that life is stuck in the same place. You try to push in to seek God with all that you have, but it just seems like you are going nowhere. You do everything that you can think of to get out of this, but nothing works. There are a few times were it seems like you finally made a break out, but then something just comes and brings you back down. You take a step forward, but then it just seems that you fell down 20 steps and now have to work your way back up. Is there anyway to get out of this place that you are in?
Well, yes there is. There are many ways to get out of this place. Prayer, fellowship, and sometimes just keep pushing until you have nothing left to push with. But there is another way to get out of this place, and it is called going back to basics. Now most of you do not get what I mean by this, since this phrase started as an inside joke with my friends, but I will do my best to explain.
What does it mean to go back to basics........ well... simply exactly what it says. You just need to go back to the basics. Go back to certain things that you used to do. Now, you do have to be careful with this and not go back to things that will push you farther down. Go back to the things that brought you up and helped you get the close relationship you had with God.
Now if you are still confused I will give you an example. Today, I went to church. But the difference was that I went to the church that I haven't been to in, well a year to almost be exact. But that isn't the part of me going back to basics. The worship was awesome and the preaching was amazing (we had a guest preacher come in today), but right before the preacher finished he wanted to worship team (the youth band was playing this week) to come back up and play a song. My friend was playing the drumset for worship earlier, but had to leave early (I'm guessing he had to go to work), which meant the worship team didn't have a drumset player. For a little context, I used to be on the worship team at this church before my family decided to go to another church about a year ago. This church is actually the main reason I learned how to play drumset. I wanted to learn so that I could join the worship team at the church I went to. The head of the worship ministry was sitting behind me and I asked if I could step in to help out the worship band. Even though I was gone for a year, she let me go up and play with the worship band (which I didn't even know the song they were playing and I hadn't even heard the song before).
Right when I sat on throne and started to play it felt just like old times. I just played, didn't care how I sounded and just was worshiping God, just like I used to do when I played with that worship band. And really, that is exactly what I needed to get me unstuck. For me, I had to go back to basics.
So now it is your turn. If you are stuck and can't get out then try to go back to something that you really felt God. Whatever it might be. If it is going to a certain place and praying, or going to a certain place and reading your bible. Maybe it is even hanging with a certain group of friends and doing a certain activity. Whatever it is go back to it, because it can get you unstuck and back on track.
Sometimes we make things way too complicated and because of this never are able to get out. But, just as the inside joke started, sometimes you just need to go back to the basics. So try it. Go Back to the Basics.
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