Sunday, July 24, 2011

If Only It Were That Easy

How many times in your life have you said that?

If only it were that easy.

All you have to do is this and this.
If only it were that easy. 
Once this is done that can happen.
If only it were that easy.
I wish this could happen.
If only it were that easy.

Now you might be asking yourself at this point:
"Why is Key saying this?"
 The answer is simple, because we do this in our walk with God.

How many times have you told yourself :
It would be so easy if I could just ask God about this. 
But wait a sec...... it is that easy. It is easy enough to say:
Hey God, what do you think about me doing this?
Hey God, what should I do today?
Hey God, how should I go about doing this?
Then why don't be just do these things? Then why do we feel that we can't just ask God these simple questions and expect God to answer. Do we think that God will only answer what we call "big" or "important" questions. All the time we ask our friends about their opinion on certain items throughout our life, but why can't we ask God those same question?

Well, we actually can ask God those question, but how many of us would actually do that? How many people would ask God:
What should I get for dinner?
Now before everyone jumps up and says that they would I want you to think about something. Many people talk about how close their relationship is with God and how God is the one they go to for everything. But is that true.

Say an issue pops up in your life. Some examples would be: friend goes missing, relationship ends, family isn't getting along, car broke down, got into an accident, you broke something, or something just ended up breaking that was important. How many people would bring these things to God first. And before you jump up and say you would, think. The last time something like this happened to you who was the first person you talked to? God? A family member? A friend? And be real with yourself. Who did you really go to first. I know most of you want to say God just to make you seem like an awesome amazing Christian. But who did you really go to first.

I know that in my life when issues have come up I haven't always gone to God first. I sometimes go and tell a friend to get advice from them. Or I would tell my brother or my parents to see what they had to say. Then I would remember that God has the right answer and then listen to Him. I can give you an example which just recently happened in my life. My girlfriend broke up with me a few weeks ago and the first person I told or said anything to was one of my friends. I called him up and told him what happened and we talked for a bit. The next thing I did was text some of my other friends, who were sleeping since it was 3am. Then I finally started to talk to God about the whole thing. Even though a lot of it was me getting over the emotions of it all I still turned to my daddy and lifted my arms saying "Pick me up and hold me."

But just look at that situation. I have God right in front of me, but turn to the side to talk to my friends about everything before I ask God to hold me and comfort me. Does anyone other than me find that wrong? That is like saying a baby is crying because something happened and the baby's parents are right there waiting for their child to ask them to pick him up. But instead the baby decided to go for a walk and then come back to his parents later to be picked up. How many babies would do that? In reality, the baby would just go straight to their parents because that is where the comfort is.

Then that brings up another question, where is the comfort in your life? Where do you turn to when something bad happens? Personally I usually turn to friends, music, and God. And sometimes it is in that order while other times it is music, God, friends. And in some, and I mean some, occasions it has been God, friends/music. In my life my comfort comes from telling my friends what happened and listening to music before going to those warm and comfortable arms. But why? Why do I like to run away from the comfort for such a long time? It is the same reason why we all run away from the comfort, because we like to deal with the issue on our own, or would rather go to others for advice on the issue.

Now I want you all to do an exercise. Go into your phone and look at the person you call the most and then the person that you text the most. Do that for the top 5 people. Those are the people that you are in a relationship with. Those 5, or more depending on if you text some people more than call them. Now, think about how many times you talk to God. Compare that to the people who you call and text the most. Now, which one is greater. Do you talk to God more than you talk/text people? Or does God go under your top 5? Now do the same exact thing with items. Which items do you look at the most compared to how many times you look towards God each day.

Now it all comes back to why we don't go to God first. Why, because our relationship is with other people or other things than with God. And if you don't believe me just look back at your results from the exercise above and make sure that you are being truthful about your results.

God should always come first, and I mean always. I know there are times in my life that He hasn't been first. And those times are not the best times. Many mistakes are made when other things and other people are put before God. We just have to have faith that God knows what He is doing.... because He does. We need to stop living our lives with us controlling the future, and let God control the future.

Think about it like this:

When something happens, instead of picking up your phone and calling one of your friends, how about pick up the phone and just talk to God. Don't call anyone using the phone, just get into a conversation with God. Who ever said we couldn't call God? We are.

So now when something happens think about it in a new way.

I just want to pick up the phone and call God to ask him a question. If only it were that easy.... oh wait a second. It really is that easy. So then, go and pick up your phone and give God a call. He has been waiting for your call, and the line will never be busy when you call God.


Thursday, July 14, 2011


Feelings are something that everyone has, and each person uses their emotions to a different extent. Some people express themselves one way, such as being loud and letting everyone know what they think on a subject, while other people like to keep their emotions to themselves or close their emotions from everyone. Yet, even though most of the time we don't know, are emotions actually radiate out of us and affect others around, not just yourself.

For example, if you have high energy all the time while you are with a group of people, slowly the others in the group will start to chime in with the high energy. Then everyone is cracking jokes and having a good time with one another. On the polar opposite side of the spectrum, if you are really quiet, or have low energy then the others around you will start to chime in with your quietness or lack of energy. Then everyone will not talk to each other and keep to themselves or every comment becomes serious and not jokes can be made.

The true challenge with these feeling is discerning which feels are acceptable to keep feeling for long periods of time and which are not. But, in discerning lies another issue, our emotions. Our emotions can get in the way, sometimes, with what the actual outcome that God give us. For example, you caused a car accident two years ago and you still feel utter regret. You might discern that it is OK to feel that way because it will make you be a safer driver and pay more attention while on the road. Truthfully, God is actually telling you that you need to give that to him because you shouldn't be holding on to something such as that. The true test is to push through the emotions, and get to the actual answer God wants you to hear.

Just take some time today. Talk to God, and put all your emotions on the side. Ask God when you misheard Him, and then ask for forgiveness. We all have misheard God in our lifetime, but that doesn't mean we should never acknowledge it. The first half or forgiveness is acknowledging that you did something wrong and really feeling bad about it. Then, you ask God to forgive you for what you have done. After you have had that talk with God, then ask Him to help you hear his voice clearer than you hear it now. And that if you discern incorrectly to let you know. Lastly, ask God to do the same to everyone that you come in contact with. Let those people hear His voice clearer. And if they discern what God is saying then ask Him to let them know.

God Bless

Friday, July 8, 2011

Some thoughts

It's funny how life just takes turns that we really don't like to happen. A death in the family, a friend dies, a car breaks down, house catches on fire, a relationship go south and to two push each other out of their lives, just a bad relationship in general. Most of these things happen without our control at all. We can't control when a family member passes away. We can't control if a part in your car fails and you are left stranded in the middle of nowhere. But, we can control how relationships go.

Being in a relationship is a tricky thing, because our emotions will get the best of us. We think that we are doing the right things but everything changes. The relationship only works when the two members are with each other and when distance comes into the equation everything falls apart. But all these things can be controlled and avoided with the focus being in the right place. With God.

The main issue when it comes to relationships is that an event happens and one side works to try to get everything to be ok. They devote themselves to try to get everything back to order and end up becoming obsessed with the other. There lies the whole problem, putting the other in front of God in your life. God should always be first, no matter what happens and no matter who you meet/are with. But, be aware that listening to God also becomes a troublesome subject.

Even if we think we have everything under control, our emotions will end up making us think we know what God wants for us. We think that God is saying one thing, when He could be saying the other. It can make us come to conclusions that God did not say at all, just because our emotions get in the way. We have to make sure that God has control of our emotions and make sure that God has that in check. Keep God first, and make sure that God has complete control of your life.

Now comes the really hard part, issues. Many times when issues come up relationships just fall apart and end. Some relationships will take some issues but when a huge issue comes along will fall. Other relationship will always persist and will be able to get through all issues. The main point is to let God help you get these issues fixed, and fixed the way God wants them and not the way we want them fixed.

Ok, now if the relationship is still going you need to make sure that God is really at the center of everything. Keep making sure that God is always first, and the other is not. But if the relationship goes down the drain then many different outcomes can come.
The two break off fine and everything is well between them
 The two have a horrible break up and never talk to each other and resent each other for the rest of their lives.
The two are ok with the break up, still feel emotional pain from the separation but are able to move on with everything being fine. Maybe a little distance is created to give each party some times but then all normal actions occur after.
The two are ok with the break up, still feel emotional pain from the separation but are able to move on with everything being fine. But, they decided the the only way for things to come back to a friendship is to completely start over as if they never met before. Basically pushing each other away, not talking, not communicating, until their paths finally meet again.
With any of these outcomes (which there are more that can happen) we have to remember that God will make everything well with time. It might not be anything you expect it to be between the two, but it will be what God wants it to be. You just have to remember one thing if a relationship fails.

Always give God the glory.

From Facing the Gaints
If we win, we give God the glory. And if we lose, we give God the glory.

No matter what happens God should get the Glory. God loves you, and He will help you through any hard times that are ahead of you.