Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Control (Problems)

Control (Problems)

Control (Problems): You make even the littlest of problems into huge big problems that make you seek for help.
You in turn start to control other peoples lives so that your problems go away.

Does using control help you in any way?
  • Does it make the pain go away?
  • Is it fun to control other peoples lives?
Why do you make such a big problem over your problems?
  • Does it make it easier to live?
  • Does it let you control people?
  • Does it mean that you are weak?
  • Are you just afraid of losing people?
  • Should you make such a big deal or such little things?
  • Is it a way to get away from things you don't like?
  • Is it a way to get to something that you do like?

Control (Problems) is not something that you want to do. All this does is change both the person controlling and the person being controlled.

For the controller making you problems really big just shows that one, you are weak, two, you want to get away. three, you don't want to be independent, four, you like controlling other people because it makes you feel so good.

All you are doing is making things harder on yourself. You will in turn have a super hard time not controlling others to get you "problems" taken care of.

To fix this, you will need to stop making ever little thing a problem. This is the main thing that controllers do. They make everything a big problem, which changes their mood, which changes the mood in the one being controlled.

Its a huge domino effect. Controlling people shouldn't be fun. It should feel bad for the reason you are making someone do something against their will (at the beginning it will be against their will until you have controlled them so much that they "think that they are doing the right thing" but you are still doing it against their will. You just changed there way of thinking).
You need to stop being a controller. If you have to, yet not recommended, control someone to help you stop. Make sure that the person knows that you are trying to do this. If not they will "come to you help", more of destroy what you have accomplished or make you keep on controlling.

Person being controlled:
This person at the beginning would be affected by the controller. Later on you will see the effects of being controlled.

For example, the person "goes to the need of someone, a.k.a the controller" and things don't go so well. This will create the person being controlled to become mad, or very moody.
The changes aren't that hard to see.

The only way to fix this problem is to start to make the controllers life "perfect". What I mean by this is that, the controller wouldn't need the person being controlled for everything. The problems will start to be very little. Soon the person being controlled will be back to the kind of person he/she was before, or, the person will be stuck in the situation he/she is in. Or the person will be different, but not have the effects of being controlled.

Yet, sometimes person being controlled became so changed that going back isn't going to happen. The best bet is to try to see if the person being controlled can be changed. If not you are going to have to deal with that person. But don't leave that person unless its for a super good reason.

The person being controlled is so used to being controlled, that if everyone randomly gives up and left him/her, that they might go crazy. Or they might make themselves change. Yet don't try it. Most of the time the person will go crazy.


Monday, October 13, 2008

The Thoughts In Your Head

The thoughts in your head

Stop and listen for a while:

What do you here?
  • Random stuff that doesn't really mean anything?
  • A song that has been stuck in you head for the last past hour?
  • Your concise trying to convince you to do the right thing in the situation you are in?
  • A little voice that you don't have to time to listen to?
  • What your parents said?
  • The same little voice that you are still ignoring?
  • Thoughts of you going mad?
  • The little voice is getting loud, but you are still focused on turning it out?

What are you going to do with what you hear?
  • Try to get it out of your head?
  • Trying to figure out what you are going to do?
  • Go with the flow that everyone else is going at?
  • Not care and live your life in a cloud not knowing when the cliff appears under your feet?
  • Live in the shadow of the people around your life just to get accepted for the things that you do?
  • Do all you can to not listen to the little voice?

Now you made your discussion and all hell goes lose:

What are you asking yourself?
  • Why is all this happening to me?
  • Does everything have to be like this?
  • Is this really the end?
  • Is this the begging of something that I don't want to start?

What are you going to do?
  • Fall to the ground and cry, knowing that nothing is going to comfort you in the situation that you got yourself stuck in?
  • Go to your parents, even though you know that they are going to despise you which gives you more grief to deal with?
  • Go to a friend, yet not sure if they are a friends that you can trust. Which in turn could lead you to even worst problems?

Now think:

Whats the purpose?
  • You know whatever you do is going to lead you to some pain in the future?
  • You know that you will never get away with what you did even if someone say that its in the past?
  • Fight with yourself until there is no more you at all?

What was the reason for all this?
  • You did something wrong? No.
  • You thought by doing this could change your status? No.
  • You go the impression your life could be better in some way? No.
  • You thought that living in someone else s shadow could change you for the better? No.
  • You didn't think about the situation? No.

Now there is nothing else for you to do. Everything you wanted to accomplish is now long in the pain and terror of your horrible life.
Well there is answer to all this pain and suffering that you went through.

The Answer:
You didn't listen to the little voice.

Now think back... the little voice... what were you trying to do to it... as it was trying to HELP YOU... HELP you... Help you...

Now I know what you want to do know. Rewind time and go back so that you can listen to that voice. Yet you would be wasting your time.

Just listen again... listen again... for the little voice..........

Now you hear it... its a warm and soothing voice.

Well its the voice of God. And he's always talking to you, his child, wanting you to finally notice he is there. Not to put him aside like you have been doing.

Now just follow Gods word and everything will be OK.

All the pain slowly starts to go away.

The lifeless life you had is now starting to come alive.

And it all starts with you listening to a small little voice in your head.

Who would have thought that it would be that easy.

I know...

You wouldn't... but now you do.

Just stay with God, and he will stay with you... his precious child.


Saturday, October 11, 2008



Rewind: When you think about if you knew something in the past, or, if you did something in the past, how it would effect your life.
  • In turn you are trying to rewind your thoughts to make you think that everything would be better.
Does rewinding your life do anything?
  • Does it make your life feel better?
  • Does it make the pain go away?
  • Are you trying to create closure with your thoughts?

Never look back! No madder how much you try to picture the past change won't help. Your life wouldn't change just by you thinking about your past.

Live life in the now.
  • Don't be a step behind.

Living in the past is very dangerous as it can change your whole mindset. You will try to make things make sense. Which in turn will cause the situation, which actually makes sense, into something that is too complicated to make sense. (if you thought that that sentence was confusing, well..... that no where close to the thoughts that you come up with to try to change something thats already done).
Lastly, the past is BEHIND YOU!!!!!!

Its not going to come back at you (unless you totally did something that was really bad. Because it might come back for something like that).

The past is the past (that's a shocker). People miss the fact that lives don't stop at all, unless you make it stop. Your life, as well as everyone else life, keeps on going. Even though you are dwindling on the past doesn't mean you life stops. It actually means that your thoughts have stopped moving forward. To put this is easy terms, your thoughts are moving backwards as your life is going forward.

As I stated before, live life in the now. Why think of something that can totally mess up your future.
Then you will have to deal with that as well as you wandering mind to the past.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Your Life

Your Life

What is Life?
  • Some random entity that doesn't really last that long?
  • To prove that something has existence?
  • To show that things are living?
  • The fire that is inside you that keeps you going?
  • Being alive?
Who are major influences in your life?
  • Parents?
  • Friends?
  • Family?
Where is your life going?
  • For the horrible American dream?
  • For a ride that you don't even know when you can get off?
  • A well planned and thought out time line?

What are you doing with your life?
  • Ruining it with Drugs?
  • Drinking until you die?
  • Running from your problems?
  • Hiding in others shadows?
  • Trying to make a difference?
  • Doing something that will make a difference?

Are you doing anything good with it?
  • Yes?
  • No?
  • Maybe?

Are you facing the world head on with the life that you are living in now?
  • No, I just living?
  • No, I don;t really care about my life?
  • No, I just want everything to stop happening?
  • Yes, I am trying to fix things/
  • Yes, I am facing what life has in store so I can help those in need?

Are you living in a cloud that seems never ending?
  • Yes, because I am afraid what outside the cloud?
  • Yes, because I like it here?
  • Yes, because everyone else is?
  • Yes, because its nice in here?
  • Yes, because I know my life won't go anywhere?
  • Maybe, I get out but get pulled back in?
  • No, I won't let my life be clouded by what the world is trying to do to poison my mind/life?

Are you just done with your life and want everything to be over?
  • Yes?
  • No?
  • Maybe?
  • Its OK?
  • My life Sucks?
  • I want to die now?

Is this what you thought your life was going to be?
  • Yes, I knew every stupid thing I was going to do?
  • No, I didn't think that my life would end up like this?
  • No, but I didn't do anything to take me out of the situation that I'm in?

Why do you keep on living in a lie?
  • Because it makes everything OK?
  • Because that all I know how to do?
  • Because my life is a lie?
  • I don't have any other way to live?
  • Because I can't live my life for myself, so I have to live in others shadows?

Are you afraid of what is going to happen?
  • Yes?
  • No?
  • Maybe?

Are you actually afraid to see whats on the other side of the cloud?
  • Yes, because I never been there?
  • Yes, ...
  • No, because I'm not going to the other side?
  • No, because I've never been in the cloud?
  • Kinda, I've been on both sides?

Do you really not want to see the world for what is actually is?
  • Yes?
  • No?

Do you want everything to stay the same?
  • Yes?
  • No?
Hoping that nothing will change for the better?
  • Yes?
  • No?
Just having a thought that right now everything is good in life and its not going to get better?
  • Yes?
  • No?

If that's you then you need someone to walk up to you and hit on the head.

Answers to your problem:

Whats wrong with living a good life?
  • There is nothing wrong. You are just to stuck on what crap you are in to care to change your life for the better.

Whats wrong with change?
  • There isn't anything wrong with change. The people that have a problem with change are too afraid to see what the change will bring. Be afraid is what lead you to living the crap life you are in at the moment.

Whats wrong with getting out of the cloud?
  • As I said before about your life, there is nothing wrong. And same as change people are to scared to do anything to get out of the cloud. They don't want to see the world for what it actually is.

The only thing wrong is yourself.

Yes the road might be hard. But when you get to the other side you will see how great life and change can really be.

So, what are you doing still looking around the situation?
  • Trying to find the easy road? (Well, there isn't one. No madder what you do there will be hardship)
No madder what, no madder what the world will show itself to you.
  • It would be better if you were ready instead of it coming out of the blue.

Also, We need to think of life in the now!!

Because if you live your life in the past you will always be a step behind everyone else who are living in the now.

So, Go do it.

Its your life... Are you who you want to be?
