Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Wind

The wind has been blowing. It has seemed like this wind has been blocking you from reaching your true goal. You fight and fight against the wind until you have no more energy. You give all that you are trying to push against this wind. You finally get to a point were you think that you have almost reached your goal, but the wind gets stronger. You give up and just sit down because what else can you do. Well there is one thing that you have been missing this whole time. You need to take your wings and let the wind take you where you are supposed to go. Stop fighting to get something that was never meant for you to have. Stop putting your energy into something without a reward. Take up your wings and fly away.Fly to the depths that God has intended for you. Reach the unattainable height you never thought possible. Now you are not fighting alone because you have the best back-up ever know. God. So fly, and let God's wind take you to the right place.

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